
domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

Homeward Dio

    Sitting In A Dream
    I'm just passing time before the Ball
    Playing my guitar
    I don't have to be where I don't want to be at all
    Maybe I'll go far
    Going nowhere, sitting in a dream...
    Ah, in a dream

    Sitting in a landscape full of sighs
    Dream away the day
    Making up a tune about the blueness of the skies
    This is where I'll stay
    Going nowhere, sitting in a dream...
    Oh, in a dream

    Watching as a red and white balloon
    Sails across my mind
    In between the images that drift along my tune
    Smile as they unwind 
    Going nowhere, sitting in a dream...
    Ah, in a dream

Homeward é a conclusão de um grande album do baixista do Deep Purple, Roger Glover, e 
seus convidados especiais. Com esse album conseguiu expressar nos vocais de Dio uma 
tristeza surreal de uma volta solitária pra casa, se contrapondo à alegre Love is all, que a 
antecede, havendo uma excelente combinação para o desfecho do álbum.

Comentário de Luiz Araújo.

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